Welcome to Menopause Lifestyle Academy

Where Vibrancy Rules Supreme

Pillars of the Program




Prayer and Meditation


  • Objective: To cultivate a lifestyle of physical activity that supports overall well-being and vitality during menopause.

  • Activities: Tailored exercises, yoga sessions, and mindful movement practices designed to enhance flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular health.

  1. Well-being:

    • Objective: Promote mental and emotional wellness through mindfulness, stress management techniques, and fostering a positive mindset.

    • Activities: Meditation sessions, stress reduction workshops, and group discussions on coping strategies for emotional health.

  2. Nutrition:

    • Objective: Empower women to make informed dietary choices that optimize health and vitality during menopause.

    • Activities: Nutritional workshops, cooking classes focusing on menopause-friendly recipes, and personalized meal-planning guidance.

  3. Prayer and Meditation:

    • Objective: Provide spiritual support and guidance to enhance inner strength and resilience during this transition.

    • Activities: Group prayers, meditation circles, and discussions on the spiritual aspects of menopause and aging gracefully.

We help women feel vibrant during menopause.